FRUIT! Eat It!
As a trainer, I hear at least 3 times a year, "Well, I'm not going to have the banana / berries / watermelon because it is so high in sugar."
Here is my response:

Happy 2017!
Happy New Year! Those who know me know I don’t believe in New Year’s resolutions. If you want to change something – change it. No need to wait for the turn of the year to do so.

Re-booting My Nutrition with WHOLE30
I don't know about all of you, but 2016 is flying by!
As a way of "re-booting" my own nutrition and trying out a plan for all of YOU, this past month I tried WHOLE30.
Stay tuned for my review of the plan and experience!

2015 is Over...Now What?
WOW...another year is coming to a close. What is your plan for the upcoming year?
In my 11 years of experience, I have found that building on consistent, small changes can make a large difference on your life.
What small change can you…

Treadmill? Dreadmill!
Hi. I can't stand the treadmill, but sometimes it is really the only option...when the roads are covered in snow, and the banks make it too likely that I won't be seen by the cars. So today I mixed it up...
Warm up - 5 minutes elliptical

The weekend looked to be busy, so on Thursday morning I ventured out for my first 10 miles in about 3 years. It went really well...for a reason NEW to me.
I purchased Amy Poehler's new book, "Yes, Please". It is awesome! She is smart,…

A Cold Run
You KNOW it's cold outside when - on a Saturday morning at 8:00 - you see NO other runners!! Not ONE.
I'll admit...it was REALLY cold this morning - 14 degrees...and it would have been EASY to stay in bed, but there is a schedule that needs…

Winter Fitness...
As my email described...my first goal in 2015 is the Rutgers Half Marathon, taking place on Sunday, April 12th. I will be posting here occasionally to keep you up to date on my progress, successes and challenges throughout the process.

March 15, 2014
PLEASE get outside today...for your body, for your mind...get some of that NOT bitter cold air in your lungs. Go for a run, a walk, a stroll...do SOMETHING.
Mother Nature is trying...shouldn't you?

Spring is Coming...
March 11, 2014
So often clients will express the desire to be in "better shape" by the summer. NOW is the time to do that. Three quick questions:
What are you eating? As we age, the "stuff going in" makes a bigger difference than…