
Treadmill? Dreadmill!

Hi.  I can't stand the treadmill, but sometimes it is really the only option...when the roads are covered in snow, and the banks make it too likely that I won't be seen by the cars.  So today I mixed it up... Warm up - 5 minutes elliptical THE…
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The weekend looked to be busy, so on Thursday morning I ventured out for my first 10 miles in about 3 years.  It went really well...for a reason NEW to me. I purchased Amy Poehler's new book, "Yes, Please".  It is awesome!  She is smart,…
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A Cold Run

You KNOW it's cold outside when - on a Saturday morning at 8:00 - you see NO other runners!!  Not ONE. I'll admit...it was REALLY cold this morning - 14 degrees...and it would have been EASY to stay in bed, but there is a schedule that needs…

Winter Fitness...

As my email described...my first goal in 2015 is the Rutgers Half Marathon, taking place on Sunday, April 12th.  I will be posting here occasionally to keep you up to date on my progress, successes and challenges throughout the process. My…