3 Ways to Work With Me Online

I TOTALLY GET how challenging it can be to make sustainable changes in your life. How can you:

  1. “Fit it all in” to your already busy schedule…
  2. Follow “the rules” of what to eat and what not to eat, they are constantly changing…
  3. Be consistent?!

My programs allow you to do the work while I take the role of guiding you to a healthier version of yourself.

Let me ask you this:

How would your life be different if you felt BETTER in your own skin?

I’m not talking (solely) about your appearance…I’m asking about your LIFE.

The options I offer allow YOU to pick the one that will fit YOU best.

Option 1: At Home with My Time Fitness

If you had asked me at the beginning of 2020 about teaching a group class online I would’ve said, “Nope.”  That’s not what I do.

I would’ve been missing out!!  Since March, 2020 I have been teaching up to 5 group sessions a week and I LOVE it.

If you’re tired of YouTube videos of 20-somethings who don’t understand life (or a body) after 30, I have a MUCH better alternative for you…Personal training at a third the cost of in-person sessions.

Here’s how it works:

  1. I teach 3 live workouts a week:
    1. Monday – full body
    2. Wednesday – upper body and abs
    3. Friday – lower body and abs
  2. Can’t make it live?  Every class is recorded and a link is emailed so you can work out at your convenience.
  3. Every exercise is explained, demonstrated and alternatives are given.
  4. The workouts are designed to encourage progression – gaining STRENGTH.  We do that by adding additional resistance and/or reps to each exercise, within each session.  While doing each exercise, I explain what weight I used and how many reps I did the last time and how I am going to progress this exercise this time.
  5. All levels welcome.
  6. Minimal equipment needed.
  7. Take 1, 2 or 3 classes weekly, each month.

Below is a clip of a Friday class – Lower body and abs. 

As you will see, I am directing every exercise and sharing with you what I have done over the first few workouts.  While you may or may not do the exact same weights, reps, etc., as me, I am always encouraging you to add MORE to each workout. 

ADDING STRENGTH is our goal!


Option 2: Accountability Coaching – “I.Count.Ability”

SOOO many people I speak with tell me, “I KNOW what to do!  I KNOW how to work out and often to do it!!”  I just can’t get myself MOTIVATED.  I don’t need a personal trainer to stand over me while I work out.  CONSISTENCY is what’s missing.

I NEED ACCOUNTABILITY.  I NEED someone watching over me!!

I developed this program during Covid, when all of a sudden I could not see my clients and exercising was UP TO THEM.  The success my clients had was AMAZING!!

Here’s how it works:

  1. We work together to set up your goal.  For instance, you want to work out 3x a week. We agree to the parameters and what “counts”.
  2. Starting each week on a Monday, I check in every morning, providing a reminder/encouragement for the day. We discuss your plan.  You Venmo me. 
  3. After each workout you check in by sending a picture of your “sweaty workout face”.  I keep track of how many you have done.
  4. WHEN you do all of the above, I Venmo half of your money back. If you DON’T do ALL, I keep it all.
  5. It’s that simple.  Do what you KNOW how to do and WANT to do and you get 50% of your money back.  Don’t do it, and I keep it all.

Option 3: Nutrition Coaching – “Adjust Your Control”

This 1-on-1 nutrition coaching program is personalized to your needs, abilities and goals. The “Adjust Your Control” name illustrates that every client is different. Maybe you are looking to lose weight; maybe you’re concerned about your health and know that eating better can affect that aspect of your life. It’s not necessarily about the scale going DOWN, it’s about ADJUSTING the CONTROL in your life so that you can be happy and healthy.

This nutrition coaching program is for you if you know that personalized one-on-one attention is how you function best.

Here’s what you get:

  1. Daily accountability from me.
  2. Bi-weekly progress calls with me to check on progress, answer any questions and make adjustments to goals and process.
  3. Text messaging access for “on-the-go” questions about grocery store items, navigating a party buffet, etc.
  4. Access to the ProCoach platform – a structured system that provides guidance for your program.

Quick fixes do not work.  What works are slow, sustainable changes to your habits that you can maintain over time.

If you’ve worked with me you know that reaching your health and fitness goals is not just about exercise. It’s about what we put in our mouths, too.

SO many women I speak to today KNOW all the rules. We KNOW that we need to eat a mix of whole foods that combine proteins and fats and carbohydrates (yes, we need those, too!). We know that we should limit our “sweet treats”. We know we need to drink water. What is CHALLENGING, however, is – ONCE AGAIN – putting it all together into a plan that works.

Diets don’t work. Let me say it again, louder this time, DIETS DON’T WORK.

My philosophy is simple: make small, sustainable changes, based on YOUR life and YOUR goals, and over time you will see results that are easy to maintain for the rest of your time here on this earth.

This nutrition coaching program is for you if you KNOW what to do, but just need a little guidance to get there.