…Who says running doesn’t pay off? Every time I run I get a pay off.
I find that it is the EASIEST way to clear my head. Sometimes I will go out for what I call a “clear the cobwebs” run…usually after a day of just sitting around or not getting anything done. One where I feel I just have to MOVE.
I think of some REALLY good ideas while running. Things for work, things about my kids. Ideas for my charity, “Running 4 Answers, a race against Alzheimer’s”…not ALL of the them are good ideas, but many of them are.
Lastly – look at this! I actually got MONEY while running today.
Now the point isn’t the $1 that I found…it is that once I found it, guess what happened? Instead of turning around at the 2.5 mile mark, as I had planned, I kept going to 3 and turned around for a full 6…why?? What if there was more money JUST a little further ahead. Sadly, I kid you not …thought I might find more.