JANUARY 9, 2013

As a trainer, I give a lot of advice.  I advise on things like exercise, nutrition, sleep habits, sock choices for running, caffeine and alcohol intake – to name a few areas.

Generally speaking, I follow my own advice.  I workout 5 days a week – combining 2 days of strength training with 3 days of cardio.  I make food choices based on nutrition and label-reading.  I am consistent in both of these areas, because I know that is the way to stay in my jeans.

Since I’ve been unable to exercise, I have had to take a closer look at my food intake…WHY?  Because “calories in” combined with “calories out” equals weight gain or weight loss.  I am determined to stem the tide of weight gain during this process by strictly monitoring what I put in my mouth.

What’s my point?  Because of the amount that I (usually) exercise, I can eat MORE.  Now that I am NOT exercising AT ALL, I have had to SIGNIFICANTLY reduce that amount…this translates to things like bye-bye wine and bye-bye to the carbs that are usually NEEDED to fuel my workouts.

MORE specifically – this is DIFFICULT.  I am reminded of the time right after my second daughter was born and I needed to lose 25 pounds.  DISCIPLINE – a LOT of it – is needed to reach that type of goal.  As your trainer, it is GOOD for me to be reminded of that time.  Just as this injury helps create empathy and understanding for those coming off an injury, needing to adjust my own diet does the same.

SO, my advice remains consistent:  As I have said before – begin with the end in mind.

While you WORK to lose weight – begin with the end in mind.  PICTURE what you will LOOK like…PICTURE what you will FEEL like…lastly PICTURE how you will FEEL about how you LOOK.