Our daily lives are changing in ways we haven’t ever imagined.  I am not able to see my in-person clients at the gym.  I want to help them – and YOU –  maintain as normal a life as possible.  The stress around all of the “unknowns” is not good for your immune system OR our mental health.

EXERCISE of any sort can BOTH boost our immune systems AND alleviate some stress.

To that end, here is a FULL LENGTH workout.  The video below is a LEG workout and is written for people who don’t have gym equipment at home.

YES, in the video I am using a dumbbell and a band…You can do the entire workout with “just” your body weight.  If that’s not challenging enough, add a dumbbell, or something else that is heavy, but easy to hold.

In THIS video I get right into the workout.  Additionally, I created an INSTRUCTION video, teaching you how to do each exercise, on my Facebook page.  Check it out!

Maybe you’ve never “met” me before…feel free to look around my site, starting with my homepage to learn a little more about me and what I do.

If you have ANY questions, write to me here: carolyn@mytimellc.com or post to my Facebook page.