Helpful Fitness and Nutrition Resources
This page is a place for me to recommend equipment, books and other resources that I have found useful either in my professional or personal life.
My Top 3 Books About Choosing To Live Life Without Alcohol
Since I have spoken about stopping drinking, people have asked what resources I used to help make the transition. Below are the top three books I read and a little bit about each.
This Naked Mind – By Annie Grace.
If you are even CONSIDERING how much you drink, please read this book. It is the LEAST preachy book I have ever read. It broke down the “reasons” why I drank with such accuracy that it was scary. I have read it twice.
The Sober Revolution – Women Calling Time on Wine O’Clock – by Sara Turner and Lucy Rocca.
Between Breaths – A Memoir of Panic and Addiction – by Elizabeth Vargas.
I read a few memoirs, but this one was my favorite. While the details of her story were vastly different than mine, the overarching themes were similar enough that after reading this book – the FIRST one I read of the above three – I knew that I had to make a change in my life.
Quick – not “disclaimer” but really common sense – I am not a therapist; nor do I claim that if you read these books “all will be good”. I found these books instrumental in moving toward a life without alcohol. I recommend them as a resource.