Those who know me know that I love fruit.  I eat a banana before I run.  I often have an apple mid-morning.  I love raspberries and blueberries all summer long.

As a trainer, I hear at least 3 times a year, “Well, I’m not going to have the banana/berries/watermelon because it is so high in sugar.”

I have this same conversation so often with my clients that I thought I would post my response here about the fact that fruit will NOT make you fat AND its benefits.

Here is my response:

When is comes to sugar, ADDED sugar is the problem.  The naturally occurring sugar in fruit is only part of the whole picture.  Fruit provides fiber, vitamins, water and phytochemicals.  So if you are choosing fruit instead of a drink with empty calories, or a snack devoid of nutrients, you are doing your body way more good than not.